How to Cure Yourself of Nice-Guy Syndrome

How to Cure Yourself of Nice-Guy Syndrome
Acknowledge that you are out of balance. You could use a little machismo and if it's been awhile since you've been with a woman, you need that machismo immediately.
Write a list of attributes you'd like to cultivate, and make sure nice is not one of them. Nice is not a compliment. Nice is a four-letter word. Instead of striving to be a nice person, strive to be a confident, passionate, steadfast, generous, observant, forthright, loving, strong, charismatic person.
Get physical. Back away from your computer screen. Put down that joystick. Run, study martial arts, lift weights, build a house, ride a horse, play drums. These activities will help you get in touch with the raw, physical energy that is an essential element of a well-rounded man.
Become a sexual creature. Nice guys often have an androgynous quality about them. They do nothing to fuel that sexual tension that makes relationships between men and women so layered and juicy. Learn to give good hugs. Take a dance class where you will be close to women. Flirt everyday. Get comfortable in your body and with yourself as a sexual creature.
Just say no to women friends. Of course you don't need to get rid of your lady friends altogether, but if you aren't having as much romantic encounters as you'd like then you certainly don't need any more female friends. You need romantic interests. You need dates. The next time you meet a woman who strikes your fancy, don't try to be her friend first. Women rarely end up with their nice guy friends.
Practice flirting every day.
Cultivate deep interests. It goes without saying, a man with nothing going on will never getting it going on.
Stand your ground. If you have an opinion, state it. If you are angry, show it. If you think she is acting ridiculous, call her on it. Contrary to what many nice guys might think, women are not looking for a man to indulge her every emotion. We want a man who is grounded, assertive and isn’t afraid to call us on our bullshit now and again.
Seek input from women who make you hot. If you’re into a lady and she’s into some other guy, ask her what it is she likes about him. What does she find attractive? What is her standard type? Many nice guys take most of their clues about what women want from listening to women complain about men-they are too aggressive, are emotionally available, don’t call enough; instead of finding out what women like about the men they like.
Choose a role model. Who are the men you admire? What men seem to have it all? Study all aspects of their personality and define what makes them a well-rounded man. What can you learn from them?

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