Best things in life.....

The best way to insult someone is to show them the respect which they didn't show you

The best liberties are the ones that you give to others when they can't return them to you

The best commonsense is to accept the uncommon in your stride

The best way to win an argument is to argue against words and not against people who say them

The best time in your life is the time that you spend with family

The best way to treat others is the way that you want them to treat you

The best way to deal with nonsense is to ignore it

The best doctor is one who cures his patients and not just the sickness

The best way to build a house is to remember that it has to be a home first

The best way to eat is to leave some space for air and life in your tummy, never stuff ur face

The best way to joke is to ensure that everyone laughs and no one is hurt

The best way to make a proposal is to make it honest, straightforward and factual

The best way to fail is to try to succeed every time using the same methods, problems dictate solutions

The best mother is your mother , nature never makes a bad mother, only bad kids

The best leader is one who involves his team and not just commands it

The best way to fight fear is to learn to think ahead of it

The best way to fool yourself is to think that you can fool someone else

The best friend you have is the one who tells you that you are wrong when you are

The best way to know your friends is to see if they know you when you are in trouble

The best way to treat your parents is exactly the way they treated you when you were a kid

The best way to learn dance is to forget who is around and start dancing

The best way to respond to someone in anger is not to

The best war is one that does not start , wars determine who is left not who is right

The best way to live is to live and let live

The best way to spend for family is to spend time with them

The best way to be online is to be as u r offline , never fake personalities

The best way to lie is not to

The best way to be a Manager is to always remember the time when u weren't

The best way to start a conversation is to listen to the other person

The best way to avoid conflict is to be upfront , honest and blunt if / when required

The best way to criticize someone is to put urself in their shoes and then do it

The best way to deal with a crisis is the calm way , panic will kill u , not the crisis

The best way to succeed is to constantly learn from failure and keep the chin up

The best way to solve a problem is to understand it fully first

The best way to be a dad/mom is to keep the child in you alive

The best way to make good friends is to be one

The best way to convey an opinion is to first listen to others and then speak

The best way to improve a bad speaker is to give him a learned audience

The best way to teach a fool is to give him what he asks for

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